Friday, November 15, 2013

Study Finds Small Businesses Waste 25 Percent Of Their PPC Budgets

Good article from Search Engine Land...
I would say that this is a conservative number, but defiantly real.
AND that's just at the "gross", click level not counting conversion rates, not enough budget or keywords to work with and the inherent inefficiency of a single search engine/platform concentration

Study Finds Small Businesses Waste 25 Percent Of Their PPC Budgets

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Study Shows Marketing Budgets & Vendors on the Rise

 I especially like this quote from the article...

"Niche-focused marketing service vendors that are experts in their respective fields are essential components of a lean marketing team. These vendors live and breathe their industry craft on a daily basis, which maintains a bleeding-edge strategy that in-house marketers simply cannot match. Additionally, a vendor with a large client and employee base brings an equivalent of decades of knowledge and insights across a diverse set of industries."

Study Shows Marketing Budgets and Vendors on the Rise

Friday, November 8, 2013

4 Terrifying Local Search Marketing & SEO Mistakes - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

Great Info here, the number one mistake is...

1. Ignoring the Data Aggregators

It takes only a little effort and you can probably do it yourself, or with just a little help...

4 Terrifying Local Search Marketing & SEO Mistakes - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)