Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Bill Blett Voiceover Talent

Easy-to-work-with professional with over 20 years of experience.  Easily accommodating deadlines and client expectations with no drama and a positive, energetic attitude.

Voice over experience with commercial production and long-form narration.

Radio and TV broadcast and Advertising Agency experience.

High-quality audio from professional home studio space.

No charge for necessary retakes or if you want to hear alternate deliveries.

Quick turnaround

Excellent copy analysis and ability to self-direct.

Proofreading, editing, copy-writing skills if/as needed.

Available now for your next voice over project in the following categories: Animation, Audio-books, Business needs, Documentaries, Educational, Internet Video, Narration, Podcasting, Radio, Telephone, Television, Video games, Voice Assistant and YouTube Video.

Call 612-656-9160
email: bill@billblett.com


Voices.com link: https://www.voices.com/actors/bblett#bio
