Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Online Advertising: Basic Rules Resources

Online Advertising

A well-known cartoon shows two dogs in front of a computer. The caption reads, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."
While the cartoon is amusing, the reality is not: The inherent anonymity of the Internet has fostered a number of questionable advertising and marketing practices, such as unsolicited email spam. Over the past decade, federal and state governments have passed advertising laws that protect consumer privacy and ensure fair and truthful advertising practices online.
If you plan to advertise online -- whether you're buying ads on search engines or direct marketing through email -- you'll need to understand some basic rules. Go to these resources to learn more.
Discusses the applicability of federal advertising laws to Internet advertising and marketing.
Describes information businesses should consider as they develop online ads to ensure that they comply with the law.
Details the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act), which establishes requirements for those who send commercial email. It also spells out penalties for spammers and companies whose products are advertised in spam if they violate the law, and gives consumers the right to ask emailers to stop spamming them. Commercial email messages must include: notice that the message is an advertisement or solicitation, an opt-out notice, and a valid postal address of the sender. CAN-SPAM also prohibits falsification of transmission information and deceptive subject headings. The Act creates criminal prohibitions against those who knowingly transmit spam through others' computers without authorization. The Federal Trade Commission may also pursue individuals who knowingly hire others to send deceptive spam.
Explains the truthful requirements for claims that you make in any advertisement for your products or services, including those sent by email. This means that you must honor any promises you make to remove consumers from email mailing lists.When working with a company or individual to provide online adverting services, you basically have three choices:
1) A company trying to be "the next Google" or who has "found a way around Google"
2) A small company or individual who works on a "do-it-yourself" type basis
3) A company with the stature and clout to partner with Google,as well as Yahoo and Bing" (plus their own proprietary platforms would be good too!)

Please don't experiment with your investment. The "testing" should already have been done before you spend a dime. Wait until "the next big thing" is ACTUALLY THE Next Big Thing!

If you'd like more info or have any requests or questions for my next message, please just call or e-mail me

Monday, January 7, 2013

Are You Exploiting Your Natural Talents?

Subject: Are You Exploiting Your Natural Talents?

Have you ever wondered how you can become more satisfied in life – how you can enjoy life more than ever? Brian Tracy – Success Expert, Best-Selling Author and Coach – has developed a special gift to help you discover how. But first, I want to share with you one of Brian’s favorite quotes from Benjamin Franklin:
"Do you value life? Then waste not time, for that is the stuff of which life is made."
You see, time is the real currency of life. Anything you obtain in life can be valued by how much time you've spent to acquire it.
Only by discovering your innate strengths...by developing them...exploiting them to their highest degree--can you ever fully realize the greatest amount of satisfaction and enjoyment in everything you do.
Brian wants to help you discover how to increase your personal "return on energy" as opposed to "return on equity." Your most valuable gift is your ability to think, act and get results.
That’s where his special gift comes in.
"Discovering Your Talents," Brian’s powerful, 12-page special report, outlines precisely how to get the best out of yourself – beginning with deciding what you want to do, what you can do well, and what will produce the highest rewards for your efforts.
Because I’m a friend of Brian’s, he’s authorized me to let you in on this special offer – to get his special report absolutely FREE – no strings attached.
Here’s a taste of what it covers:
  • The definition of “personal strategic planning” and how to use it to produce more, and higher-quality, rewards for yourself
  • The role your personal values play when it comes to creating a plan for getting what you want in life
  • The one goal you MUST have when it comes to your work – and why accomplishing it will ensure you’re always paid well
  • The mindset you must maintain so you can determine your own future and your own fortune
  • 4 Questions to help you increase your return on energy invested (no more wasting time and energy on activities that aren't going to bring you success)
  • The key to a happy and prosperous life (good news: anyone can do it!)
  • And more!
I hope you’ll take a few moments to download and read this report – it has the potential to be the impetus for a new, more fulfilling life – and it’s Brian’s gift to you!
Get it here: Download your free report now. 
To your success,

Please feel free to invite your friends to pick up Brian’s special report, but be sure to reserve your copy first, here: Download your free report now.

BTW...This report is absolutely FREE. There’s no obligation to buy from Brian, now or in the future. But know that if you do, I’m an affiliate of his and he may float me a commission. Get your special report here: Download your free report now.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Three Rules for Turning Stress Into Success

One of my favorite authors with an impactful article...

Three Rules for Turning Stress Into Success
Denis Waitley

1. Accept the Unchangeable - Everything that has happened in your life to this minute is unchangeable. It's history. The greatest waste of energy is in looking back at missed opportunities, lamenting past events, grudge collecting, getting even, harboring ill will, and any vengeful thinking. Success is the only acceptable form of revenge. By forgiving your trespassers, you become free to concentrate on going forward with your life and succeeding in spite of your detractors. You will live a rewarding and fulfilling life.
Your enemies, on the other hand, will forever wonder how you went on to become so successful without them and in the shadow of their doubts.

Action Idea: 
Write down on a sheet of paper things that happened in the past that bother you. Now crumple the paper into a ball and throw it at the computer screen. This symbolizes letting go of past misfortunes.

2. Change the Changeable - What you can change is your reaction to what others say and do. And you can control your own thoughts and actions by dwelling on desired results instead of the penalties of failure. The only real control you have in life is that of your immediate thought and action. Since most of what we do is a reflex, subconscious habit, it is wise not to act on emotional impulse. In personal relations, it is better to wait a moment until reason has the opportunity to compete with your emotions. 

Action Idea: 
Write down in your diary one thing you will do tomorrow to help you relax more during and after a stressful day.

3. Avoid the Unacceptable - Go out of your way to get out of the way of potentially dangerous behaviors and environments. When people tailgate you on the freeway, change lanes. If they follow you at night, drive to a well-lighted public place.
When there are loud, obnoxious people next to you at a restaurant or club, change tables, or locations. Also, be cautious of personal relationships developed via the Internet. With the massive number of individuals surfing the net, the number of predators increases in like proportion. Always be on the alert for potentially dangerous situations involving your health, personal safety, financial speculation and emotional relationships.

Action Idea:
 What is one unacceptable behavior you have or allow others to do to you that you will avoid starting tomorrow? Example: The way you drive, being around negative people, walking down dark streets alone late at night, etc.

Reproduced with permission from Your Achievement Ezine. To subscribe to Your Achievement Ezine, go to www.yoursuccessstore.com All contents Copyright YourSuccessStore.com except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Duplication or reprints only with express permission or approved Credits. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The 10 Secrets to Marketing Success

The 10 Secrets to Marketing Success
David Kinard

In today's competitive world, there are many different beliefs about how to market a product or service. Regardless of approach, however, there are some core concepts that are found in every successful marketing program, effort and plan. By incorporating these traits into your marketing activities, you will increase the effectiveness of your marketing communications.

Commitment: No matter what your produce or service is, a solid commitment to the marketing process is required for success. Fervency, passion and dedication are all essential.
Investment: Famous author and critic of his day, Mark Twain once wrote that if you can't afford to advertise, place one last ad saying "Going Out of Business." Rather than thinking how much you "have to" spend on marketing, consider "what investment" you want to make to ensure your organization's future.
Consistency: Keeping in front of your customer's eyes and in their ears ensures you're also in their minds. Marketing is not effective when it is here today and gone tomorrow. A constant stream of messages increases top of mind consumer awareness.
Quality: Ensure your marketing is top quality. Your ads, newsletters, brochures-whatever you do-sends a message about your organization, product and service. If the visuals are poor, so will be the reader's perception. Your marketing must confidently go head-to-head with your competitors.
Patience: The rapid rate of technological advancement has tricked us into thinking that our marketing must be an instant and huge success. On the contrary, since our marketing is building a relationship and perception in people's minds, success comes much more slowly.
Assortment: Effective marketing uses a variety of tools to get the job done. There are many traditional mediums everyone uses, so sometimes doing something a little bit different may provide you the edge you need. Don't get fooled into believing that one size fits all.
Adaptive: Because our world is changing on a daily basis, so must our marketing efforts. Stay away from the "We've always done it that way" mentality and constantly ensure your marketing efforts are focused on today's customers-not last years.
Convenience: Elaborate and complex marketing programs or efforts tire people out. Make sure your communications or programs are simple and easy for the recipient to use or read. Successful marketing and red-tape don't mix.
Amazement: Seek to astound, amaze and surprise through your marketing efforts. Today, successful marketing is about differentiating yourself by the experience you provide your customers. Don't just try to satisfy, but amaze!
Measure: Successful marketing employs clear evaluative tools and check points to measure its efforts. Most everything we do in business has clear goals and evaluation processes tied to it. Measuring our marketing allows us to make course corrections as needed and provides confidence in the investment made.

Reproduced with permission from Your Achievement Ezine. To subscribe to Your Achievement Ezine, go to www.yoursuccessstore.com  All contents Copyright YourSuccessStore.com except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Duplication or reprints only with express permission or approved Credits. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

In An Ideal World...Discovering Your Talents

 In An Ideal World …  
In an ideal world, what would you do for a living? How would you spend your free time? And how much free time would you have?
If the answers to those questions differ from what you’re doing now, I have a special treat for you.
My friend Brian Tracy – Success Expert, Best-Selling Author and Coach – has developed a special gift to help you move toward living your IDEAL life. But first, I want to share with you one of Brian’s favorite quotes from Benjamin Franklin:
"Do you value life? Then waste not time, for that is the stuff of which life is made."
You see, time is the real currency of life. Anything you obtain in life can be valued by how much time you've spent to acquire it.
Only by discovering your innate strengths...by developing them...exploiting them to their highest degree--can you ever fully realize the greatest amount of satisfaction and enjoyment in everything you do
Brian wants to help you discover how to increase your personal "return on energy" as opposed to "return on equity." Your most valuable gift is your ability to think, act and get results.
That’s where his special gift comes in.
"Discovering Your Talents," Brian’s powerful, 12-page special report, outlines precisely how to get the best out of yourself – beginning with deciding what you want to do, what you can do well, and what will produce the highest rewards for your efforts.
Because I’m a friend of Brian’s, he’s authorized me to let you in on this special offer – to get his special report absolutely FREE – no strings attached.
Here’s a taste of what it covers:
  • The definition of “personal strategic planning” and how to use it to produce more, and higher-quality, rewards for yourself
  • The role your personal values play when it comes to creating a plan for getting what you want in life
  • The one goal you MUST have when it comes to your work – and why accomplishing it will ensure you’re always paid well
  • The mindset you must maintain so you can determine your own future and your own fortune
  • 4 Questions to help you increase your return on energy invested (no more wasting time and energy on activities that aren't going to bring you success)
  • The key to a happy and prosperous life (good news: anyone can do it!)
  • And more!
I hope you’ll take a few moments to download and read this report – it has the potential to be the impetus for a new, more fulfilling life – and it’s Brian’s gift to you!
Get it here: Download your free report now. 
To your success,
Feel free to invite your friends to pick up Brian’s special report, but be sure to reserve your copy first, here: Download your free report now.
This report is absolutely FREE. There’s no obligation to buy from Brian, now or in the future. But know that if you do, I’m an affiliate of his and he may float me a commission. Get your special report here: Download your free report now.