Sunday, April 25, 2010

Got 3 Seconds to get attention?

Got 3 Seconds to get attention?
What You Need to Know About Headlines
Have you ever wondered why some marketing tactics just don’t seem to work for

your business? You sit and watch a competitor’s website grow and business

soar and you’re just not quite sure how they do it.
After all, aren’t all marketing tactics pretty much the same?
The answer is a resounding “NO”!
Marketing tactics that work are not about rocket science. They are often very

simple concepts but many online marketers fail to recognize them for the

value they can bring to a business. Focusing on a business that brings high

conversion rates and plenty of sales is a marketer’s dream.
But it will only materialize when marketing tactics are successfully deployed.
First of all, people want to find a solution to a problem. That’s why they’re

searching for a particular product or benefit to begin with. So what do you

have to offer?
Headlines say it all
Headlines pull the prospect in. In the offline world, it is the Yellow Pages

ad, Newspaper or Direct Mail piece. It is the first sentance of a strong

radio or TV commercial. In the online world its your web pages, e-mail

subject line, article or press release title or landing page
Don’t wait to tell them what’s in it for them. Tell them right away with your

headline. Headlines can be one of the most effective marketing tactics you

have to offer. The headline should always include valuable benefits for the

customer. With recent studies indicating that users decide whether or not to

stay or leave a site within 8 seconds or less, well-written headlines are

Using a headline to grab attention is one of the simplest, yet most effective

marketing tactics available. People have a chance to quickly understand why

they need to read further than the headline. Instead of clicking away from

your site, they’ll be clicking through your information to find out more.
Always follow-up a headline with some other compelling fact or value-added

benefit of the product or service. Keep website visitors moving through your

content by including one bit of important information after another in every

sentence. Don’t use teasers that make them feel they have to keep searching

for what’s important but be up-front and direct about the product’s value and

benefits with each sentence.
Market the benefits and value, not features. The difference is key. The

classic example is a handyman does not buy a drill, per se; he buys the holes

he need for the project
The headline is the best place to start marketing the benefits of the product.

 It’s also the best way to attract search engines that are seeking websites

based on keywords used by online users. When the headline includes the words

that potential customers are most likely to search for, the search engines

will reward you by bringing more visitors to your website.
Facts, statistics, and data that substantiate your claims of value are also

important ways to increase the effectiveness of headlines. “48% reduction in

costs with X product….” can be a real attention grabber. Don’t hesitate to

use data to support your benefit claims.
Advanced marketing tactics
Headlines are just the beginning with marketing tactics. There are many more

advanced marketing tactics that can make a substantial difference in

conversion rates and sales. Knowing and integrating advanced marketing

tactics into the overall marketing plan for your website and business can

make a huge difference in your profits.
Evaluate your current marketing tactics and make necessary adjustments by

utilizing advanced tactics to support and grow your business. Time spent

preparing effective marketing goals and strategies, supported with effective

tactics, is time that will result in higher profits and a thriving business.
And always remember - success starts with your headline!

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